Thursday, October 2, 2014

Assignment 7

Is the space in your game discrete or continuous? Continuous

How many dimensions does your space have? 3D and 2D

What are the boundaries of your space? The map screen that is 2D shows the boundaries, and the villages have the village outskirts as the "space within the space"

How many verbs do your players (characters) have? What are they? In the general sense there are 8 verbs. Upgrade town, move, attack, acquire abilities, use abilities, dodge, move population, and train villagers.

How many objects can each verb act on? What are these objects? The upgrade town is to be assigned as the upgrades are chosen, attack will be on the properties of "monster", the same as abilities (acquiring and using), move population and training will be on the villagers.

How many ways can players achieve their goals? Mainly it is only by destroying the monsters, but moving population, upgrading town, training or moving villagers to protect them, and when and which abilities to get all have an influence on how easy or hard it will be to achieve them.

How many subjects do the players control? What are these subjects? There are three main subjects, which are the three towns, each town is to have an amount of villagers, which are to be decided on in the future depending on how the game progresses.

How do side effects change constraints? By training and upgrading the towns, it becomes easier to protect the population, yet how to do so is to be planned carefully. One town can have heavy protections, but the other two will most likely be lacking; and if all the villages are upgraded equally then the defenses are most likely to be lacking.

What are the operative actions in your game? Players must defeat monsters and protect the populations.

What are the resultant actions in your game? Surviving population and villages will flourish and grow as they are protected, and like the character more, leading to help or gifts.

What actions would you like your players to do that they cannot presently do? (based on your current knowledge of Blender) I would like the players to have more interaction with the skills set, like being able to target the monsters specifically and attack them with magic, and making all the houses and villagers weak to the players skills and attacks so that the player can actually kill his protectorates. Also that there was a meter of how much the player is liked by the population as it increases or decreases, include marriages, and a castle with a dragon that he could send to protect one village as he attacks another. Add pets to fight next to the character, character customization that affects the starting stats of the character. Along with other ideas, that there might not be enough time to implement.

What is the ultimate goal of your game? The protection of the villages

Are there short and long term goals? What are they? It is mostly the protection of the villages, but the other aspects of the game that the player can manipulate all change the challenge and the interaction of the goal.

How do you plan to make the game goals known and understood by the player? A starting story will make it clear of what is the goal of the game, while including a short tutorial that shows the game play.

What are the foundational rules of your game? Player must not lose all his HP, the higher the number of population the more rewards at the end of the round, exp meter for monsters killed

How are these rules enforced? if the player loses his HP then he dies, if the population is wiped out then not only are there no rewards but he loses the game, and the exp meter is used for the fortifications

Does your game develop real skills? What are they? The ability to dodge, attack and protect the villagers all at once while not taking damage.

Does your game develop virtual skills? What are they? The abilities that they can get from the monsters and the fortifications of the villages.

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